The Letters- AFTER The Anniversary Visit!! December 13, 1926 from Bob to Jean & Dec 13 1926 From Jean to Bob

The Letters- AFTER The Anniversary Visit!! December 13, 1926 from Bob to Jean & Dec 13 1926 From Jean to Bob



            I'll never be warm again. I missed my street car and sure had to hustle to catch the interurban. The car was cold- the station in Iowa City was cold- the train (only an hour late) was cold, the hotel in Newton where I waited for the bus was cold- the bus was cold- and the thermometer in the office stands at fifty. 

           I got home at ten o'clock. Not very late. But it saved my having to go out with Brown. We'll work inside this afternoon. 

           Sweetheart, we had a perfect weekend- didn't we? And it won't seem so long next time for Christmas will help to pass the time. The fellows who will stay in touch over the holidays are planning a New Year's eve party in the Dieman dancing studio. They had one there last year and had loads of fun. 

          Bob must dash back to work. If you're letter doesn't come tomorrow you'll certainly get spanked. 

           With all my love



"Dearest Bob:

         It was such a perfect week-end that, instead of feeling blue, I am looking forward to our next one. I did enjoy it all so much. 

        Daddy and Mother came just after you left. Daddy was sorry you had gone as he was going to take you down. You poor dear- did you work outside to-day? It is just terribly cold- two below now.

        I slept through my first hour class to-day- were you tired, dear? 

        Edith helped me out on my French so I got through in fine style. 

        You can judge by this letter that I am not wide awake. 

        I hope mine will come to-morrow- will it?

        Mother and Daddy enjoyed the show. I got a letter to-day from my little cousin and as she says "injoyed" and "inrolled". 

       I must be out of line as she feels quite brilliant. She said she might have sent me something for my birthday. And she forgot it- isn't that good? She is awfully cute. 

      Dear, don't forget your promise about sitting up straight. 

        Bobby dear, it was all so wonderful. 


                                                    Your Sweetheart,





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