My own sweetheart:
Your letter helped me so much- it was wonderful. You've no idea how much easier all this disappointment is to bear when I know you understand. It's still a disappointment- nothing could change that- but your letter renewed my determination to win. And we will win, you and I, dear, win happiness for ourselves in spite of a hundred disappointments like this.
Hasn't today been glorious? Mr. Cooper came up this P.M. and asked if I cared to drive to Rickardsville with him- he had some business out there. Did I? I went in spite of the fact that Miss Kofenbach is away and my desk was stacked with work. It was a beautiful drive- eighteen miles. We called on a farmer living in an old stone house built before the Civil War. It was so quaint and beautiful.
After your letter I have no doubt how you would have spent your time had I been in C.R. last week-end. Against Minnie I wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance.
I took the liberty to write Herschel saying that we preferred to go to the Prom with just us. I explained that I had such a short time that we'd have no other time to ourselves. I think it will give him food for thought, though.
Speaking of food- see how my mind works- I'll be glad to have dinner with you Friday.
Mr. Bowlsby will no doubt have many things to say tomorrow. And not the least of them will be my leaving town during the directory rush. Oh well, I told him I was going and he had no great objection to this once, inasmuch as I didn't know that it was not approved.
Believe me, I spent a good forenoon finishing up some reports for his office- so I can tell him when he asks- "oh yes, they've gone in. I sent them myself".
Dear, your spring dance was the hardest of all to give up. And the age of miracles is past. I'd like to hope that something would turn up- but then we'd only be disappointed again. You've no idea, Jean, how discouraging all this has been. It took away all the joy of living. But what has be has to be.
Your letter was so wonderful, dear. Indeed everyone makes me marvel more and more at my great fortune.
I love you always