The Letters- December 24 & 25, 1926 from Jean to Bob

The Letters- December 24 & 25, 1926 from Jean to Bob


"Dearest Bob:

                This is just a little note to let you know I am still alive, and that I received your letters. 

                 I am just terribly rushed- I am glad to say we only work until six to-night. 

                 J__ and C__ are tired out- "me too". I am not surprised that I am tired going to two pictures shows and having to get up early. I saw "The Volga Boatman" and enjoyed it. 

                 I am still curious about my package- I really think you should not have made me wait. 

                I must close as I am going to be late to work. 

                I hope my package will reach you at home- and I think it will as I sent it special delivery. 

                Wishing you and your folks a very Merry Christmas-

                                                                Your Sweetheart,



"Dearest Bob:

                  Darling, it is just wonderful. You have no idea how surprised I was this morning, and I did wait, when I opened your package. I had guessed stationery, and I shook it to see if it rattled- but I never dreamed of a beautiful Spanish shawl. Dear, I am just crazy about it- I love the color and colors, the fringe and oh! Bob just all of it- words won't express what I want to say, and I thank you a million times dear, it was so sweet and wonderful of you. 

                  I hope you had a nice Christmas- and I am sure you did- being home would make it nice. 

                  We truly did- I got so many lovely things- but I am going to show them to you Friday- wouldn't you rather see them than just read about them?

                 J__ and C came down this morning and the are wild about my shawl- they both tried it on. The folks and my brother also think it is beautiful. EH is coming out next week to see it. I can hardly wait to try it o for you, and show you how lovely it looks. Mother and Daddy, and Fred, got loads of nice things too. 

                Your adorable letter was here waiting for a tired girl when she got home last night. It made me feel so good, dear. It was sure a sweet, thoughtful letter, I believe the sweetest one you have ever written. 

                 I'm having a rest next week- I am glad to say- I hardly think I will work unless I change my mind. Perhaps when my bills come in I'll change my mind- I am paying my own this year and it is so much nicer- more fun in giving them. 

                I am the happiest girl in the world to-day- and I hope you are the happiest boy. I have thought a lot of you- you wanted me to you know. It will be grand having you home again Friday. 

              I am going to a little party to-night- but I would get far more pleasure out of staying home and looking at and touching your wonderful gift. 

             Thank-you again, darling, it is wonderful and so are YOU.

                                                         Your Sweetheart,


P.S. Sorry I folded this wrong. Bye-bye, again. JB"

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