The Letters- January 21, 1927 from Bob to Jean

The Letters- January 21, 1927 from Bob to Jean


            I sure got into it. Have a part in a play the Masquers are putting on next Friday night- and that is the date announced for Fritz Kreisler's concert. It just makes me sick to think of missing him. 

           Hooray for the psych test. Hope you do as well on all of them. You'll have Bishop eating out of your hand for the rest of the year. 

          The dance was a big success. My date was awfully cute and a dandy dancer. Her first name is Violet. I just phoned Gray to get her last name as I have her compact and comb and don't know where to send them. 

          Dear, I hate to think of missing the AOA formal. I cut the fall dance to come to yours and the gang will sure rave if I pull it again- especially as i have been pounding them all on the back about the formal. But another month is so long to wait. I'm anxious to hear what you have to say. If I do come for it you'll go with me won't you? Please. 

         Mr. D has been out of town for several days and isn't expected until next week. So I don't know what I'm to do till after tomorrow. 

          I'm truly worried about the formal. Could we wait that long. It would be terrible- but that would mean less time between the next two. And it will never, never be that long again. Please, dear, be frank- what do you want me to do?

P.S. It was Miss P's mother who died. I'm anxious to hear details of the canning


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