"Dear Jean:
Calm your fears! No one saw or said anything about the shades. I just happened to notice them as I was leaving.
My cup came today. It is quite good looking. I am bringing it with me Saturday and I won't forget my promise to let you see it. I went to the P.O. for it tonight and it was in a box big enough to pack me in.
Sleepy is no word for my condition. We worked till two- imagine that. They were short girls so Mr. Ellis put on a headset and worked on long distance while I did the same on local. I wonder what Gen. Public thought on hearing bass voices saying "Number please," and "on your call to Podunk we are ready".
I got a big kick out of it.
Didn't get up till nine this morning- neither did Mr. Ellis- and Mr. Bowlsby was looking for both of us at 8 o'clock. He didn't find us.
This must be finished in a hurry if you are to get it tomorrow.
I am sorry to miss the game but two special concessions on consecutive weeks is more than Mother Bell will countenance. But we'll have the anniversary of our meeting- most wonderful event.
I must dash-
Night Night sweetheart-
March 3
Just a note- I've only three minutes. I talked to Mr. Bowlsby this morning and I am to remain in Waterloo another week. So there isn't a shadow of a doubt about my being able to come this week-end.
How well I remember the fun when the tickets for the game last year were sold. Now will I soon forget the price I had to pay for a second ticket.
I hope we can win- I am sure we can- and I hope the dance is a success. Wish I could make it.
What do you want to do Saturday night and Sunday. Really we should do something special but I'm to dag tired to think of a thing now. Maybe you could think of something.
I must sprint-
With all my love