The Letters- November 11, 1926 from Jean to Bob

The Letters- November 11, 1926 from Jean to Bob

"Dearest Bob-

               Hearing your voice this noon, dear, was the most wonderful, pleasant surprise- you seemed so near, dear, that I wanted to reach out and touch you. At first I thought you were here- but you weren't and I am sorry. 

                The dress I was making is now nicely folded away. It was a make over affair and when I tried it on I didn't like it so I have put it away until this busy week is over. 

               It seemed great to sleep until nine this morning. To-morrow I only go until after Chapel. Our sorority float is all finished and very good looking. The Home Ec float is going to be cute- I have to work on it to-night. 

               After the pep meeting to-morrow night the K.D.s are having open house. I am anxious to see their room as I heard it was very pretty.

                We are having a spread Saturday after the game. Last year we had 50 at the Deamers- I am wondering if Alpha Attic will hold us under the strain. 

                What kind of work have you been doing lately, Bobby? Do you think they will send you to Des Moines very soon? 

                Dearest, instead of writing this I wish I were getting ready for you to come out to-night. Wouldn't it be grand to have a long talk this evening? 

               I'll be glad next month on the eleventh, dear, will you? 

               I miss you, dear.


                                            Your Sweetheart 


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