for the love of pyjamas

Who spends 3 hours starching and pressing Victorian through 1930s apparell and loves it? Me. I love the way something rumpled and creased is moved to crispness, the life breathed back into the garment. I love wondering about the last time the blouse or dress was treated with care and respect and believing that I've imparted a bit of my passion for each detail in a garment that will one day move on to a new life. I love the smell and the quiet and peace of it.


Today I hope to shoot all the pieces I starched, and the highlight will be a super example of one of my favorite items to ever come across in vintage fashion…the 1930s beach pyjama!  A tremendous milestone in fashion history, beach pyjamas were the first time women were venturing into public in casual pants…and usually smashingly made! Though not everyone approved….



The details! Those glasses!!






So chic.







A source of amusement and confusion for the masses….



The most stylish of little girls got in on the trend.



And one from my own archives...



Starch and pyjamas. So good.


PS…just came across this!  


"First pants worn by women in public! "It was the summer of 1905. At the races in Auteuil (near Paris) a woman appeared wearing trousers in public for the first time. Her name is unknown, but this is a picture of her. Police men had to protect her against the curiosity and outrage of the crowd. ""


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