The Letters- April 12, 1927 from Bob to Jean

The Letters- April 12, 1927 from Bob to Jean

"Sweetheart Jean:

         Your letter was darling. I just loved it- and you. Of course we're going to be the ideal couple- why shouldn't we be- no reason in the world. Even with your dreadful disposition, my sunny temper will pull us through. Oh kid!!

        Not very busy today. Had to coach two girls on the toll demostrations and make a special toll study in addition to my regular work. 

          Mrs. Cooper is a good cook and says you needn't worry- she learned after she was married. I told her about the nutmeg. 

         We're going to be wonderfully happy, sweetheart. I just know it- we always have been- (never a quarrel) and we always will be.

         I found no mention of a gift for Alpha Xi Delta in your letter. Silence gives consent, I've heard.

         Herschel handed us a dirty dig. I'll tell you- if I don't forget. I'll get him.

         Is it raining in C.R.? The sun is a perfect stranger here. 

                                         Bye bye, honey. I'm counting the hours till Saturday.

                                          Lots of love


P.X. I've already asked Herschel to go to Danceland with us and he said "yes"

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