The Letters- April 15, 1927 from Bob to Jean

The Letters- April 15, 1927 from Bob to Jean


             Tomorrow is the day, Cedar Rapids is the place, Jean is the attraction, an announcement is the event. Truly a wonderful combination. 

             And the sun is shining after a rainy afternoon, as if it really meant to stay a while. 

              This has been a busy day and tomorrow morning will be a full day in itself. And I'm going to slip out in the forenoon to do some shopping as I won't have time between one and train time. 

              I've been so happy lately. It doesn't matter that your regard for your starving sister weighed more than my entreaties (you said so yourself)- the big thing is it is really going to happen. 

              Do you think I've been horribly selfish in urging this, darling. I was, but I love you so much I want everyone to know it. You know "a sorrow shared is a sorry half allayed; a happiness shared is a happiness redoubled."

              I've got to make a speech in the morning- to a class of new girls- all about the organization of the company and what is expected of them now that they're becoming regular operators. I won't have the reason to be nervous that I did the last time I tried to talk to a group of people- the Sunday I gave the cup to the fraternity. They all noticed my nervousness but Herschel alone knows the reason. How unobserving people are!!

           I've speeched and speeched at the house with never a tremor- and then I come in from your place as shaky as a willow in a wind. 

           I've set my A.D.A. paddle out in plain sight as a reminder of what to expect this weekend. Also I have arranged my sofa pillows conveniently at hand for my homecoming. It's so much fun, wondering what tjis one will say- and that one- knowing that it won't be long till I find out. 

          No, honey sweetheart, I won't spank you for having a cold or even for being sick- but if you let anything make you doubt for one minute that I love you as much as ever- I shall most certainly spank you. But don't worry, there'll be spanking enough done- but not to you. Why did I ever hit Lowenberg and Harold G so hard? Unlike me, they believe in revenge. 

          We're going to have such a good time, dearest. I just know it. 

          See you soon. I'll call you as soon as I get in. 

                                                                    Your lover


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