The Letters- April 20, 1927, from Bob to Jean

The Letters- April 20, 1927, from Bob to Jean

"Dearest Jean:

                I didn't miss my guess- but to prove how sorry I am about my Monday's letter- and how much I love you I am writing anyway.

               A bit of news, my dear!! I had my choice of three vacation weeks- June 12-19, July 3-9, or September 10-16. I was going to ask you which you thought best, but I knew, so I took it. I really can't imagine a week I'd rather have, can you?

              I told you I had written Herschel. I sent a follow-up letter today. Told him I couldn't imagine Lester having any objection- so we'd know who to blame if nothing came of it. I also asked him to call you as soon as he found out.

              I'm anxious to hear the outcome- aren't you? I don't see any reason why we can't be together, unless Herschel is an absolute prig. But I'm sure it will turn out O.K. If it doesn't- well you'll have a good time with Ward & Jerry & Paul- and I won't know I've missed out until it's all over. 

              Gosh, it's just pouring down rain. Won't it ever dry up. But we had a dandy Easter- for that I am truly thankful. 

              And it it does rain for us on June 11, it will make the day all the more fitting. Just so we can get to Manhattan. 

              Aren't you anxious to hear what Phil has to say? I am. He is such a friend to both of us- he'll come through with something worthy of the occasion. And my dear friend Ethel- I can just feel her claws when she hears. Pardon such an illusion, to be an Alpha Xi- but she told me once she preferred Tri Delt anyway. 

            Please dear, forgive me my unforgivable thought- lessness. There really was no excuse for forgetting your letter- and I know how a day seems when I don't hear from you. It won't happen again, dearest, if I can help it. Certainly not without reason. 

           Were our pictures good? I've an awful hunch that they were pretty terrible. But will hope for the best. 

           I must run if I intend to mail this tonight- and Allah willing, I do. So if this is a day late you'll know I slipped on the hill and broke at least a neck or two. 

           Dear, it's so gloomy, and no letter to brighten the day. But it's my fault and I won't complain. I love you, dear, more every day. My beautiful, wonderful, adorable Jean. 

          With all the love my heart can generate-

                                           Your Bob"



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