The Letters- December 1 & 4 , 1926 from Bob to Jean (and the 3rd from Jean!)

The Letters- December 1 & 4 , 1926 from Bob to Jean (and the 3rd from Jean!)



               Your suggestion about mailing my letters so you'll get one on Monday and one on Tuesday was very good- BUT- I've found from experience thta my dear Jean waits and answers both in one- which does not suit me so fine. However, I may try you again. 

               Dearest-you said you truly wanted me to come on the tenth- and I'm going to do my best to come. I can't promise for sure- tho' and if you've really set your heart on that dance you'd better accept some other invitation. But I see no great reason why I can't make it. I'm going to do my best and I'm quite sure I can. I know Mr R won't want me to get off so I'm going to call Mr D the last of this week- so he can't insist on this week- and I think he'll say to go ahead- especially as I have some business in C.R. that must be settled before the fifteenth. Mr. D seemed quite surprised that I hadn't gone in for Homecoming so you see- and I'm not asking for any time at Christmas. 

               M__ H___? Forgive the cruel words about a sorority sister- she always assumes a proprietary interest in the other girl's boy friend. Last Christmas was the same way- we simply must go to a dance at home- this was in C.R.- at a college dance- yet during vacation I saw her only once. A fellow in R.V. takes her around when she's home- I wish you could see him- weighs a good two-fifty and still goes around ringing doorbells after dark- but wonderful parents- wonderful car- and money. 

             You poor dear, a dance with the dean is a positively thrilling prospect- I will think of you- and sympathize with you- and wickedly rejoice that I chose the tenth. Mind you- if we have only half a dance the tenth- no trades!

            Outside as usual. I'm getting used to it. I've a nasty cold but I have one every winter and this one seems to be going. I'm really getting so I don't mind the outside work so much anymore- anyway it will soon be over. 

            Dearest girl, I can hardly wait till next Friday to see you. But it will come and then I can be happy for a few glorious hours. May I kiss you twenty times on your birthday? Please, dear, I love you so much, so very awfully much. 



3rd (from Jean to Bob) 

"Dearest Bob:

              Your sweet letter came to-day and I am so glad you can come the tenth. I didn't see how Mr D could refuse- if he does he is no friend of mine. I suppose you will talk to him either to-night or to-morrow- gee! if he spoils our plans- grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

             Last night I went to the U of Sidney Australia and Coe debate. I enjoyed it very much. The Australians were exceedingly clever. I saw H___ and C___ afterwards. H____ said he had talked to you - I envied him. 

              I am wondering what M__ H___ will say when I tell her you are aren't going home for Christmas- perhaps you are- am I wrong? I know your Mother and Daddy will want you. I'd love to see H___ with a two-fifty.

              I am going to be Winnie Wimble the Breadwinner to-morrow. I am working at Killian's- isn't that horrid? 

             I am taking L___ V__, a Beta, to the dance. I'll miss you dear, and I'll think of next week's "glorious hours"- apologies to Mr RJ H?? I hope you will be over your cold, Bobby- I am sorry.

              We are going down to the village for dinner so I must hirry or you won't have this to-morrow.

              Here's hoping I'll see you the tenth, dear- be a good little boy- go to church- and I guess that's all- oh! write to Jeannie. 

                                              Your Sweetheart,





             Your letter was so sweet. I love your letters, dear- you have a wonderful knack of writing just as you talk- I can almost heart you. 

              Dear- I'm horribly worried tonight. It is misting and freezing out- the worst telephone weather in the world. Last year in just such weather every long distance line out of Des Moines went down. If that happens, sweetheart, but if it does there will be an order Monday for all telephone men to remain on duty. The worst is it will be two or three days before the lines will go down. So pray for snow or clear weather for us. n

             I'll call Mr D tomorrow and barring the conditions I just described, I don't expect any difficulty. However, you can count on me unless I call you- it may be days before we find trouble- or it may be the weather will change. I'll write tomorrow after I've called Mr D.

                                       With all my love,


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