The Letters- December 17 & 19th 1926, from Bob to Jean and Jean to Bob

The Letters- December 17 & 19th 1926, from Bob to Jean and Jean to Bob



            I've been addressing Christmas and licking stamps till I taste like a glue factory. But isn't getting ready for Christmas real fun? I often wish I had a whole big family of relations to plan for. 

            When does vacation start? I suppose you will enjoy two weeks without having to worry about French or Zoology or dear Prof B. 

            I saw some Christmas Cards with a big walnut on them and was tempted to send him one.

            I was glad to get your letter- as always. They mean so much to me dear- something to be treasured and loved- because they are- you.

           What was your Christmas present? You knew I'd be curious. I bought the most beautiful scarf for mother. I had her presents all bough but was so pretty I just couldn't pass it up. 

           Holidays! Christmas at home and New Years with you. What could be more wonderful? Just one thing. Can you guess it?    

           Dearest, at holiday time won't you think of me- and miss me- and look forward to my coming. For that to me is the most important time of the year- New Year with you.

                                                I love you



"Dearest Bob:

                   I was in a serious mood when your letter came. At first it hurt- but, now, I think I understand what you want me to, dear. But Bobby dear, let's not set any date to talk about it- it takes all the romance away- don't you agree?

                  When Daddy passed you at the corner you should have yelled- I still feel sorry for you to think you had to walk- and it was so cold. 

                   I am proud of you that you have one more note out of the way- I think you are doing fine. 

                 I know you will be sorry to learn that E__'s baby boy died last week. Also Mr B- R's father. I am trying to decide whether to go to his funeral or not- I never have been to one and Mother thinks I should go. 

                I have been quite busy lately. That's why you didn't get a letter Saturday. I worked Friday afternoon, then went to AEA spread. Daddy had the car- therefore I couldn't go to the P.O. I worked all day yesterday. Took in over $116- isn't that wonderful. I just love doing it- I am also working Monday and Tuesday afternoons. 

              I was happy when I found a letter from you yesterday when I got home.

              Vacation starts Wednesday- we are having a short one- it ends the third. I fooled old Bishop on our last exam. I got 21 out of 23- he will probably call that a "d". I wish you had sent him the card you spoke of. 

             Do you remember where you were just a week ago- I do- it was so nice and I'll be glad when New Year comes. 

             When do you leave for home- and when do you return? Fred is coming Friday night. 

             Here's hoping Vespers will go off O.K. Our church service was beautiful this morning. 

            What all have you been doing lately? 

                                      Be a good boy

                                              Your Sweetheart,


P.S. Dear, you'll forgive me for answering both your letters with this one won't you- but when I work and go to school it doesn't give me much time. Bye-bye"



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