The Letters- December 9, 1926 from Jean to Bob

The Letters- December 9, 1926 from Jean to Bob

"Dearest Bob:

               I was so happy when I got a letter yesterday- and to-day. 

               I am sorry Dorothy thinks we have broken up- no doubt after listening ini she doesn't think so. And, dear, I'll forgive you if you will punch her in the nose- I think it is horrid of her. 

               No doubt you have heard that H___'s brother passed away- it is very sad, especially so near Christmas. 

                I am so glad- glad- that you are coming - and it won't be long now. 

                I hope you get this to-morrow before you leave. 

                I must be chief cook to-day as Mother is at church- it will probably be eggs!!

               And Bobby, be sure you wear your overcoat??

               I'll see you to-morrow. Bye-bye.

                                                   Your Sweetheart,


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