The Letters- July 29, 1926 & August 21, 1926

The Letters- July 29, 1926 & August 21, 1926

From Bob to Jean, mailed July 29 1926

"My dear,

             Please pardon my writing with pencil but this is all I could find and I dared to think you would rather receive this than none.

              We left C.R. about ten thirty and got a ride to Marshalltown. Just out of M we were picked up by a travelling man who was going to Des Moines. As I had never been there we changed our plans and went in.

               At Bishop's I found a fellow I had known in C.R. and he took us to a show and we stayed all night with him. 

               In the morning we went thru the capitol and museum and then came here. 

               Ed's sister is ill so we plan to leave for Waterloo in the morning and stay at the ADA house tomorrow night. 

               We played golf this morning and were entertained at luncheon at the Country Club this noon. 

                Are you thinking? I am- and I have not changed my mind. 

                                                                               Yours always- 



There is no letter back from Jean- she does tend to write less. The next from Bob to Jean was mailed on August 21, 1926.

"My dear:

                It seems futile to attempt to write a letter when I saw you last night but I'll attempt because I do so want to hear from you. 

                I slept until eight o clock this morning- did not hear the alarm and I didn't get bawled out either- just kidded. I'd been wondering just how long I could continue to get out at five without going to bed early the night before. Now I know. 

               You picked a warm day to drive- didn't you? I hope it was not too unpleasant. 

                Perhaps you had better write me at Rock Valley. I will be there Thursday or Friday and I don't know where I will be able to get my mail at Okoboji. May I expect to find a letter waiting for me? 

                                                                          Yours -now till infinity


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