The Letters- March 17 & 19, 1927 from Bob to Jean

The Letters- March 17 & 19, 1927 from Bob to Jean

March 17


             I got both your letters- they come the morning after you mail them. The reason I didn't get the first one yesterday is because it came before I did and no one in the commercial office knew me. They sent it down to the wire chief's office- no one pretends to know all the linemen and they supposed it belonged to one of them. I traced it down this morning. 

             Sweetheart, my heart turned over when I saw how you signed your yesterday's letter. It's the first time you've used the word- and I've been hoping you would. Thank you, darling. 

              I have the nicest room- all in gray enamel- and I have seven drawers and a closet. I have junk enough to fill them- but this is the first time I've never had to use my trunk for part of my things. 

              Mr. Bowlsby was here today but to my disappointment didn't give me much of an idea as to what he wants me to do. I'm to just go ahead. It won't be so bad after I get started. I have a big, important looking desk, and the chief operator and I have a clerk between us. So tomorrow my regime as traffic chief starts. Only it's more of a novitiate than a regime, I'm afraid. 

             Bricker says that Andre and ward are coming up some week-end. 

            Your formal invitation came. I'll think it over and let you know in a week or two- yes I will!!! I told Mr. Bowlsby I was coming and he said twould be alright. So all that remains is to find a way to get there. But that will be easy. There's bound to be some way beside walking. 

            Where'd you get the stationery with the fancy insides? It's quite doggy. I couldn't imagine what I was poking my finger into when I opened the first one at the office. 

           I've got the funniest looking bottle on my dresser. When I left Waterloo, I had a little hair tonic left in a bottle (a brilliant green) and a little bright red hair oil in another. To save space I combined them but they didn't mix. The result is a half and half combination of red & green. 

           I feel so much better tonight after reading your two darling letters. It seems less like a dream that the most adorable girl in the world said "yes".

          Herschel swears he will not weaken. He told me something else that made me feel like a brute. 

          Good-night, darling Jean. Your Bob loves you, heart and soul- you know it, sweetheart- but I like to say it as much as you like to hear it. I wish you were the same in that respect. 

                                           Adoringly yours


March 19

"Sweetheart Jean:

             I wish you hadn't told me about the near accident. I've had the awfullest all gone feeling ever since I read your letter. You joked about going, that night at Danceland- but I confess I still fail to see the funny side of it. Jean, darling, don't you realize how very much you mean to me? m

            The train I get into C.R. on arrives at 6:25 Saturday evening. Which means I'll have to dress here. Perhaps it would save time if you come down with the kids and I joined you at the station. I don't like the idea but five minutes isn't much time to spare. 

               Your letters, evidently mailed in the evening, reach here before eight the next morning. So there must be a way back I haven't discovered. Here's hoping. 

               I do like my work immensely- the force here at are all enthusiastic and are doing their very best on the job. There is keen competition between local and toll to see who shall have the better service rating. I doubt if half the Waterloo force knew such a thing existed. And everyone is offended if I fail to ask what the rating is as soon as it is figured in the morning. 

              I pulled a boner this morning- should have known better- but I called Waterloo on it and got straightened out.

              These girls expect me to know everything and make me keep my nose in the instruction most of the time. So far I've managed to keep ahead. 

            I plan to work late tonight- in order to meet the all night force. And tomorrow, too. I want to put in enough extra time this week end so mu conscience will be clear next.

            Am reading Dreiser's "An American Tragedy", supposed to be the greatest modern book. Its in two volumes- not particularly pretty reading- but quite interesting from a psychological standpoint.

            Herschel sent me a list of questions to answer. You might ask him how I came out- I'd like to know.

              Sweetheart, this next week will go quickly, I am sure. I hope so anyway. And then, well what then? I can hardly wait to see you, to hear you say that it all really did happen. And I hope to hear you say something more. Won't you??

             Mrs. Cooper was telling me that they drive to C.R. quite often during the summer. Does that sound good? It does to Bob. 

             Jean, sweet, do be careful. You're my whole existence and I couldn't bear to have anything happen to you. I love you so, darling, I shudder at the very thought of any harm coming to you. So be careful, dear, so your Bob can see you all in one piece when he comes again.

                                                      Yours completely,




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