The Letters- November 14 1926, from Jean to Bob

The Letters- November 14 1926, from Jean to Bob

"Dearest Bob:

               I am wondering what you are doing to-day, and if it is raining there. It is rather a dreary day here. I have my French to get and then to Vespers- some life!

               Dear, how long did we talk- about ten minutes wasn't it? 

               We have had one grand time this week. Friday was the parade. Our car looked awfully cute. The Y.W. float took first prize, Alpha Theta second, and Tri Delt third. 

              In the burlesque Alpha Delta Alpha took first place- wasn't that lovely. It was very clever "Three Ways of Getting Through College". J.T. was the tennis nam, and there were football and track men. 

             Friday night after the pep meeting we all celebrated MCs birthday. We went to The Strand, it was truly a good show- "The Ace of Cads", have you seen it? 

             No doubt you have heard about the game. I was just sick about it- it meant losing the championship. We had about sixty at one spread and we had the best time. 

             The dance was pretty good. I don't like the auditorium- the floor is just terrible. The orchestra and crowd were pretty lively in spite of our defeat. 

              And- I missed Bob!

             Oh! I almost forgot to tell you this, Sigma Phi got first prize on their house decorations, Alpha Delta Alpha second, and Chi Alts third. I think I think you all did very well this homecoming- at least on prizes. 

              I know you will be sorry to know that you missed Bishop's dance Friday night.  P__ Y went but danced mostly with boys- however he said Mrs Bishop wasn't so bad. I would have to see Mr. and Mrs Bixley dancing together.  I do hope you get to go to Malcolm and see your friend. 

                I must rush this up or I won't have my French- and you won't want me to go to class unprepared would you, Bob? 

                H__ & E___ B were together at the dance. 

                Well, dearest, we are two days nearer the eleventh of December- are you happy? 


                                              Your Sweetheart,


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